According to research, learning a second language from a young age can boost a child’s brain development. Additionally, being bilingual allows children to learn better as it allows them to be creative, concentrate more, multi-task, and focus on problem-solving. Many parents choose to teach their 
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Starting Montessori school is an exciting milestone for every child and their parents. But this doesn’t mean that your job is done! Recent research by the US Department of Education shows that children perform better when their parents are actively involved in their educational journey from an 
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In the current era, babies are growing up with constant exposure to screens and gadgets. While there’s nothing wrong with letting your kid use smartphones or watch TV for some time, child development and health experts constantly discuss the negative impact of too much screen time 
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Child education experts agree that working on your child’s vocabulary is essential, as it impacts their future academic growth and performance. Additionally, young children with good vocabulary skills can easily meet new people and make friends, which boosts their confidence and social life. This blog 
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Child development experts agree that learning how to get dressed positively impacts the children’s confidence. This gives them a sense of achievement, motivating them to learn other daily life skills. Additionally, self-dressing allows your child to learn gross and fine motor skills as they have to 
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Although aggression in children is common, it’s not a normal behavior. So parents and teachers need to take preventative measures to stop children from picking fights in the daycare environment. Constant fights in the daycare environment can stop children from having fun or learning in 
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Growing children are curious about everything around them and try to explore the world on their own. So parents are always looking for activities that allow their kids to have fun and develop several necessary skills at the same time. These skills include hand-to-eye coordination, 
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Preschool readiness is very important before you consider sending your child to preschool. This means that your child should be able to follow basic directions, be on their own, not have trouble being away from you, communicate with others, and become potty trained. These things 
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Holidays and vacations are a great time to sleep in and relax. As the parent of a school-going child, you want to strike a healthy balance of sleeping in and maintaining a routine. A routine becomes even more important as you approach the end of 
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As soon as your child is born, they start looking for ways to communicate and express themselves. Self-expression becomes better and more refined as they grow older and become more aware of the world around them. To that end, they become better at catching, processing, and 
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