How To Build Positive Teacher-Children Relationships?

Every interaction between teachers and students in early childhood settings offers the chance to build a good rapport.

Good teachers employ several techniques to foster good ties with the students. Face-to-face interactions with young children, maintaining eye contact, and listening to students help strengthen teacher-child relationships. Building trusting relationships with children requires talking to them in a calm, gentle tone, using simple language.

This blog will guide you on how to build a positive teacher-student relationship.

1. Follow Learning Preferences and Interests

Children learn best when they participate in self-selected activities, much like adults. If you want to introduce new skills to your student through various activities, make sure it interests them. Otherwise, their reluctance will render the whole exercise futile.

While introducing kids to new things is acceptable, don’t hesitate to stop the activity if the kid becomes very irritated and requests that it be over.

2. Value Student’s Independence and Freedom

Teachers love every student dearly. Therefore it’s difficult for them to see them struggle with their work. They naturally want to step in at this point. Helping your student may come naturally to you, but you should be aware that this doesn’t necessarily benefit the child’s learning process or sense of self-worth.

Allow every student to perform their activities without assistance, such as tying shoe laces to help them learn, develop fine motor skills, and improve their decision-making ability.

3. Use Encouragement Instead Of Rewards

Although it may be alluring, rewarding students after they finish a task only has a temporary impact. When you use external rewards to motivate your student’s actions, the child thinks there’s no intrinsic value to it. As a result, the only motivation behind their actions is the payoff.

Instead of using prizes, try using encouragement to reinforce the notion that an action has intrinsic worth. Rewarding remarks like you worked so hard on this or you did this all by yourself also help the child learn from the experience.

4. Express Care, Safety, and Compassion

It’s significant to give students the impression that the teacher comprehends their emotions, feelings, and thoughts. This helps foster trust, makes the student feel loved and safe, and fortifies the relationship between the student and the teacher.

When a child becomes upset, reassure them by acknowledging what they are saying, using simple non-judgmental language. Never blame them. Instead, hug them and comfort them, making them feel understood.  

Try redirecting the youngster’s emotions to more positive ones by discussing and planning enjoyable activities for the day and asking the child for their suggestions.

Enroll Your Child In One Of The Best Montessori Preschools In Katy

If you wish your child continues to thrive in a positive learning environment, look no further than Centerra Ranch Montessori School.

We’re an award-winning Montessori school in Katy, TX, that is known for helping its students balance their academic, physical, social and emotional development.

Our preschools and after-schools have well educated instructors who treat every child equally.

Contact us today to enroll your child in one of the best Montessori preschools in Katy.

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