How Can You Support Your Child’s Learning in Preschool?


Is your child ready to go to a preschool? Congratulations because that’s a huge milestone!

Pre-school is a very crucial time in the development of a child. It’s when they start to develop their social skills, language skills, self-control, and more.

Our experts at Centerra Ranch Montessori School are here to tell how you can support preschool learning for your child. Keep reading to learn more.

Teach Your Child the Importance of Open Communication

As they say, good communication skills are the key to success. Talk to your child about their preschool every day. Ask them how their day went, what they enjoyed learning the most, etc. Show them that you’re interested and allow them to discuss things with you in detail.

Start instilling the habit of communication in your child from a young age. Encourage them to ask you questions and answer them patiently when they do so. Tell them you want to know more and that they can always talk to you about anything.

This is a great way to support your child’s preschool learning. It not only helps reinforce what they’ve learned at school but also allows you to teach them new things.

Create a Routine for Your Child

Building a routine for your child is a great way to support their preschool learning. When young children have a consistent routine, they feel confident and secure in their surroundings. An inconsistent routine causes them to be fussy and hinders their learning and development.

By setting repetitive routines, you teach them the discipline. This can include brushing their teeth first, changing their clothes, getting into bed, reading a bedtime story, etc.

Encourage Your Child to Read

Read, read, and read—the best way to help your child excel academically is to encourage them to read. It’s not only an activity that boosts learning but is also an enjoyable one. Even if your child is at the age where they cannot read properly, that’s okay. The best time to create this habit in kids is when they’re young.

Pick out a book yourself or allow them to pick one themselves and sit down with them to read. Help them read out loud while you explain the different sounds, concepts, and meanings of the story. Help them tap into their curiosity by allowing them to ask as many questions as they wish.

Make the reading session fun and interesting and your child will want to start reading by themselves. Supporting your child’s learning in preschool is integral to their social and emotional development.

Centerra Ranch Montessori School is the perfect place for your child to begin their journey to success. We provide an environment that is nurturing and supports preschool learning. If you’re searching for preschool programs in Fulshear Texas, reach out to us; we’d love to chat with you!

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